One of the best ways to leverage the knowledge

 Difference Between Science and Technology?

According to the National Science Foundation, “science and technology are different but complementary ways of knowing the world.” Science is a way of knowing that relies on empirical methods, such as observation and experimentation. Whereas, technology is a specific branch of science that deals with the implementation and use of science. While these two terms may seem similar, there are many differences between the two.

In this article, we will explore the differences between science and technology, why you should choose one over the other, and tips on how to leverage the knowledge, insight, and experience of either to the best effect.

What is the Difference Between Science and Technology?


The National Science Foundation defines science as “the study of nature and human activity, including the study of phenomena and the mathematical and physical principles used to explain and predict these phenomena.” Technology, on the other hand, is “the study of the implementation and use of technology.”

Both science and technology are “about” knowledge, but there are important distinctions between them based on their methodologies. In science, researchers try to find out everything they can about a problem or phenomenon. In technology, researchers try to design everything they can to maximize certain outcomes.


Why Choose Science over Technology?


Technological advancement has led to vast changes in human society, including the end of the industrial revolution, the development of the computer, the Internet, and major scientific discoveries. Despite this, there has been a reluctance among scientists to credit technology with much positive change, and the general perception is that technology is the dominant force in the world today.


Here are a few examples of why scientists tend to support the idea of technology over technology scientists:


“Current technology is more-or-less capable of performing all human tasks.” - Technology doesn’t replace science but “adds value by increasing our knowledge and ability to solve human problems.”


“The discoveries made possible by technology do not replace or counter the contributions of scientists, engineers, and scientists-engineers; ers, but they provide another implementation of the same knowledge.” - Technology doesn’t “displace” scientists but “accompanies them wherever they go.”


Tip-1: Be Proactive


One of the best ways to leverage the knowledge, insight, and experience of either science or technology to the best effect is to be proactive. This means thinking in advance about how to best utilize the knowledge you have access to. If you’re interested in robotics, for example, you should look into how robots are implemented and used. By looking at the underlying principles of robotics and then finding ways to apply them to your unique situation, you maximize the value of your time and resources.


Tip-2: Be Independently Composed


You should never rely on technology alone to solve your problems. Always employ both science and technology to the fullest extent possible. This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people put too much emphasis on just one component of a system and then assume the rest will work without fail.

While it is nice to have all the answers in science, technology, and even math, don’t let your lack of confidence keep you from asking questions and experimenting. You will always learn more by doing rather than reading.


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